Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction 

The genre of historical fiction in the field of children’s literature
includes stories that are written to portray a time period or
convey information about a specific time period or an historical
event. Usually the event or time period is about 30 years in the

In historical fiction, setting is the most important literary
element. Because the author is writing about a particular time in
history, the information about the time period must be accurate,
authentic, or both. To create accurate and authentic settings in
their books, authors must research the time period thoroughly.
They must know how people lived, what they ate, what kinds of
homes they had, and what artifacts were a common part of their

Historical fiction books—whether they are picture books,
transitional books, or novels—may have characters who are
either imaginary or who actually lived during the time period.
Settings also may be real or imaginary. The plot events may be
documented historical events or they may be fictional. If they are
fictional, it means that the author created the events for the
telling of the story. The fictional characters, settings, and plot
events must be portrayed authentically as if they actually could
have happened.

Why use historical fiction in a classroom?

Textbooks provides facts.  Historical fiction will enrich students knowledge, it illuminates time periods and helps provide emotion to history!  It will generate curiousity and interest in a p articular subject.  It introduces children to characters who have different points of view.  It promotes multiple perspective.

Tips for Choosing Good Historical Fiction

There's an abundance of historical fiction in libraries, catalogs, and bookstores. To help select the best, use the following criteria and check out the resources listed below.
The historical fiction you choose should:
present a well-told story that doesn't conflict with historical records,
portray characters realistically,
present authentic settings,
artfully fold in historical facts,
provide accurate information through illustrations, and
avoid stereotypes and myths.

Reliable Resources
Notable Children's Trade Books in the Field of Social Studies, compiled annually since 1972 by the Children's Book Council in cooperation with the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). This is the most reliable list I've found. Careful attention is paid to authenticity and historical accuracy. Single copies cost $2. Send a check and a self-addressed, stamped (3 oz.) 6-by-9-inch envelope to the Children's Book Council, 568 Broadway, Suite 404, New York, NY 10012.
Social Studies and the Young Learner, a quarterly magazine published by NCSS, features a regular column on books appropriate for elementary social studies and suggestions for use. To subscribe ($15/year), contact the National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark St. NW, Washington, DC 20016; (202) 966-7840.
An Annotated Bibliography of Historical Fiction for the Social Studies, Grades 5-12, by Fran Silverblank, published by Kendall/Hunt for the National Council for the Social Studies, $14.95; (800) 228-0810.

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